Pfeffer Co. - The Land Specialists in Minneapolis and St. Paul Phone: (763) 425-2930 7200 Hemlock Lane
Suite 101
Maple Grove, MN
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Land Development

Project Management

Transaction Capabilities

"Pfeffer Company knows zoning, knows city staff, knows how they will view a project before we present it to them. That knowledge is invaluable to us. They do their homework, and in many respects, are much more like members of our staff than outside consultants or brokers. They have been a great asset to our organization.

They are aggressive on behalf of their clients, whether sellers or buyers, and extremely defensive of their clients’ best interests."

Gary Sauer
Tiller Corporation


Our Services - Project Management

Pfeffer Company, Inc. provides beginning-to-end coordination and management of development projects with the objective of making certain that agreed upon standards are met or exceeded.

We are committed to developing projects on a timely basis, within the agreed upon budget and in full compliance with the development agreement as negotiated, and have a long history of success in meeting challenging deadlines and project goals.